For Families Who Suspect that a Loved One

May Be Involved with a High-Demand Group ("Cult")

How can I tell if my loved one is in a High-Demand Group (HDG) or cultic relationship?

Deception is the key to whether a group or person is cultic or just more dedicated than the rest of us.  Historically, groups and persons who have had a beneficial effect on the world have done so without disgusing their beliefs or misrepresenting their practices.  Every member of a main-line religious community is given lenghty exposure to the beliefs and practices of the community before he or she is permitted to make a commitment.  Legitimate groups and individuals can do this because they are capable of delivering what they promise.

HDGs and cultic persons, on the other hand, promise what no one can deliver.  Naturally, because they promise what can be had nowhere else, they can make extraordinary demands on their followers or partners, since the expected reward is also extraordinary.  If these persons or groups could deliver on what they promise, we should all be members.  Since they cannot, they have to build systems that trick people into joining and staying in the system.  This is usually accomplished with a kind of "bait-and-switch" technique.

For example, a group promises eternal inner peace and then trains new recruits in relaxation techniques.  The techniques, available in any library, are presented as the secret "wisdom of the ages."  The new recruit is actually able to relax using the technique.  Their new ability is ascribed to the uniqueness of the group and proves it can deliver on its promises.  When the new technique fails, the member can be blamed for not doing it right or can be commended for rising to a new level and needing more training in other techniques. Either way, guilt or praise, the group keeps its devoted without delivering anything else it promised.

Just because one believes strongly in, or commits deeply to, a cause, a group or a person, does not mean they are in a HDG. Through history countless devoted individuals, groups and intense belief systems have served to bring societies back from barbarism to respect for human life and liberty.  All these groups have accomplished their lofty goals without indulging in the practices below:

I think my loved one is in a HDG, cultic or abusive relationship, what do I do now?


My loved one just left a HDG, how can I help them?

The three concepts above apply.  Educate yourself, keep the lines of communication open and try to create a real place to go. Here is where professional resources like RETIRN or Wellspring fit in the whole process.  Once your loved one has decided it would not be in his or her best interest to return to the group or relationship, RETIRN or Wellspring can help.

Most importantly, your loved one may have questions and emotional needs you feel ill-equipped to handle.  Not resolving these issues can result in much longer recovery periods and worse, some will not be able to recover on their own at all. There is an old saying:  "Time does not heal the wounds of betrayal."  Your loved one may not be able to "get over" the experience the way he or she might overcome some other obstacle in life.

Most mental health professionals and clergy surveyed felt ill-equipped to meet the needs of the ex-cult member.  Our experience is they are better equipped than they think.  They just do not know how to apply their skills correctly for the ex-member.

Click here to go to "TranceNet," another excellent HDG/cult information resource.

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